Layla Grace,You are 5 months old! You've had a fun and busy month. Growing like a weed, sleeping like a champ, and melting the hearts of many!
*You are our little chunker. You love to eat, and you're growing right before our eyes.
*You've mastered eating from a spoon! So far you've had peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, squash, pears and apples. You love oatmeal, as long as it's mixed with pears :). You get one solid feeding in the evening. Your favorite vegetable has been squash, and your favorite fruit-pears.
*You are still nursing 5-6 times per day. You will take a bottle great from anyone.
*You are a great sleeper. Sleeping from about 8pm - 7am at night, and 2-3 naps during the day. You have been back to sleeping a good 2.5-3 hours each afternoon.
*You are a big time drooler and act like you're going to pull those teeth right through yourself. You chew on your fingers all day long.
*You are wearing size 6 month clothes, and size 2 diapers.
*You love your exersaucer, doorway jumper, play mat, and you're really starting to focus and play more!
*You suck your thumb occasionally, and still hate a paci.
*The laughs are starting to become more regular! You laugh, laugh, laugh when we fly you in the air or jump with you in our arms.
*You roll from back to tummy when you want to.
*You went on your first trip this month! You did amazingly well in the car for both 7 hour trips!
*You would spend every waking second in the back pack if mommy's back would permit it :). You haven't spent much time in a stroller since you prefer the baby bjorne.
*For the last week or so, you've been falling asleep during your bath before bed. It's so sweet and cracks us up!
*For some reason you LOVE to sleep in the pac n play.
*Your brother thinks that you understand everything he's telling you. The other day in the car he said, 'Layla Graceeee don't put your feet on me!'
*You met so many new people during our trip to Virginia, and you were all smiles the whole time! You don't know a stranger, and love being passed around. Your big brother was the same way (and still is).
We love, love, love you from the top of your bow adorned head to the tips of your tiny toes.
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