Monday, June 18, 2012

Our Week in Virginia

It had been almost an entire year since I'd been home to Virginia. I've never been that long without a trip, and hope I never have to again! Of course it was for a really good reason that we couldn't travel for so long, and her name is Layla Grace :). Needless to say, we were all anxious to get there and spend a full week with family. We usually go as a family for Christmas, and because of coaching baseball, Dan has had to miss the summer trip in the past. I was so glad to take a trip as a family this summer! Since my mom and Tom had been in Texas for the past two years, Eli wasn't old enough at the time to even remember being at my mom's house. We were staying at my Grandparent's house for trips home during those two years, so that's all he really knew. He was BEYOND excited to finally get to go to his Mimi's house!
Let me just start by saying that the week leading up to our trip was nothing short of a nightmare. On Wednesday morning I started feeling a little 'off,' and by that night I was down and out with a nasty stomach bug. I kept on trucking and just knew that it would be over and done with in 24 hours or less. I spent almost every waking hour praying that no one else would get it. By day 3, Friday, I was on my death bed. It was awful, and no quick moving virus. That morning was the worst of it, and then I turned a major corner. Surprisingly enough, we were in the car and on our way that night! We decided to leave around 6pm. The kids were amazing in the car, and Layla slept all but a few hours. . When we got to my mom's house around 2 am, Eli was charged up and ready to go! He was so excited to be there that he only slept from 3-6am that night. It took a few days for the exhaustion to settle in, but he was running on pure adrenaline, and it didn't seem to affect him much. We were absolutely blown away by him on this trip. It really showed how much he's grown since our last big trip. He was great in the car, and really just went with the flow the entire 9 days we were away from home. There was just so much excitement giong on, and we had to make him stop long enough to re-fuel occasionally.

My mom and Tom were on a week long cruise that ended that Sunday. So we had all day Saturday to just recover from the trip, and for me to continue recovering from being sick. That evening we were able to start seeing everyone. Uncle Patrick and Brittany came over to see us, and meet Layla for the first time!
The kids were just waking up from their naps, and Eli was so tired that he fell back asleep on Danny. This almost NEVER happens with him! Once he woke up, he was so happy to have some new playmates! Pat & Britt were some of his best buddies all week!

Next stop...Grandma's house! There's nothing that I look more forward to than a home cooked meal at her house! They were just tickled to have their two great-grandbabies there with them. Love, love, love this time with them.
There was a constant flow of visitors at my mom's house on Sunday. Aunt Liz got back from Lynchburg that morning and rushed right over to spend the day with us! She hadn't seen Layla since she was 3 days old.
Monday was memorial day, and we enjoyed a big family cookout at my Aunt's house. Lots of good food and lots of baby lovin'!
Tuesday was an EXTRA special day, and really what we planned this trip for, so that deserves an entire post to itself :)...coming soon.

Wednesday was our only nasty weather day, and it worked out great, because we had already been planning to do the children's museum that day. My mom, Liz, Dan and I took the kids and made some of the sweetest memories there! Since we left the museum, Eli has asked religiously, several times each day, if we could go back to the 'newseum' as he calls it. I'd say it was a hit!
 So interactive and so much to get this little guy's imagination going! If you ask him what his favorite part was, it changes everytime. I really think he loved every room we went in just as much as the one before!
Layla was so sweet during our visit, and didn't seem to mind catching her morning nap in the car and backpack. We can't wait to take her back in a few years! That afternoon my mom and I hit several of my favorite shopping spots while the kids napped.

Aunt Liz's boyfriend Blake came into town for a few days on Wednesday. This meant one thing...lots of golf for the guys! We also got a few kid free date nights with them too!
All smiles!

One morning while the guys were golfing and I was off visiting friends, Mimi and Papa Tom took Eli down to the oceanfront with them. I was nervous because he had been up since about 5 am that morning. He caught himself a little snooze in the car on the way there, and then he was good to go! He had so much fun, and I was kind of sad that I missed this outing.
 They have a playground right on the beach, which of course was a huge hit! Another plus was being able to watch the Blue Angels practice show while they ate lunch on the boardwalk!

On Saturday we had VIP tickets to the Blue Angels tent for the Patriotic Fest/Air show. We had originally planned to take Eli with us, but after getting to see the jets all day Tuesday and again on Thursday, we thought it would be easier to let him stay with the sitter we already had lined up for Layla. We're so glad we did, and really enjoyed our kid free day! The weather was perfect and the Blue's put on a spectacular show as always! It was so neat watching the show right on the oceanfront.
 Pat and Britt were able to come for some of the show too!

I finally got to spend some good time with my sweet friend Alicia and her 'new' baby girl on Friday. I'm so glad that she's joined the mommy world, and was so sad to have to wait 9 months to meet miss Lexi! Eli was so sweet and did a great job of entertaining Lexi!

Our final night in town was spent with family at my mom's house. Eli and Patrick absolutely wore.each.other.out! We say that they play so well together, because Uncle Patrick is really a 5 year old stuck in a 27 year olds body ;). We let Eli stay up extra late, and then after he was in bed we stayed up well past midnight just hanging out with Pat and Britt. Sure do wish we were able to do that more often!

So thankful for this time, and for the special memories made. It's always so hard to say goodbye, and the drive is never fun, but it's always SO worth it! Already looking forward to seeing everyone again!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Growing Boy

It's crazy how fast Eli has gone from baby to toddler to big boy. I am loving this age, even with the rough moments that come with 3 year olds. We took him for his 3 year well check yesterday, and I wanted to be sure that I get his stats down somewhere other than on paper :).
Weight: 30lbs (27%)
Height: 39in. (79%)

He's had a huge growth spurt here recently, and that was confirmed yesterday! He's been hungry hungry all day long, and everyone that sees him has commented on how big he's looking all of a sudden. He's always been in the 25-40% range for height, so it was neat to see him make such a big jump in the last year! He was so comfortable during his exam with the doctor, and really showed off for him and the nurses. I left feeling overly blessed to have such a cooperative, talkative, active and healthy 3 year old!
Love this boy!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

5 Months!

Layla Grace,You are 5 months old! You've had a fun and busy month. Growing like a weed, sleeping like a champ, and melting the hearts of many!
*You are our little chunker. You love to eat, and you're growing right before our eyes.
*You've mastered eating from a spoon! So far you've had peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, squash, pears and apples. You love oatmeal, as long as it's mixed with pears :). You get one solid feeding in the evening. Your favorite vegetable has been squash, and your favorite fruit-pears.
*You are still nursing 5-6 times per day. You will take a bottle great from anyone.
*You are a great sleeper. Sleeping from about 8pm - 7am at night, and 2-3 naps during the day. You have been back to sleeping a good 2.5-3 hours each afternoon.
*You are a big time drooler and act like you're going to pull those teeth right through yourself. You chew on your fingers all day long.
*You are wearing size 6 month clothes, and size 2 diapers.
*You love your exersaucer, doorway jumper, play mat, and you're really starting to focus and play more!
*You suck your thumb occasionally, and still hate a paci.
*The laughs are starting to become more regular! You laugh, laugh, laugh when we fly you in the air or jump with you in our arms.
*You roll from back to tummy when you want to.
*You went on your first trip this month! You did amazingly well in the car for both 7 hour trips!
*You would spend every waking second in the back pack if mommy's back would permit it :). You haven't spent much time in a stroller since you prefer the baby bjorne.
*For the last week or so, you've been falling asleep during your bath before bed. It's so sweet and cracks us up!
*For some reason you LOVE to sleep in the pac n play.
*Your brother thinks that you understand everything he's telling you. The other day in the car he said, 'Layla Graceeee don't put your feet on me!'
*You met so many new people during our trip to Virginia, and you were all smiles the whole time! You don't know a stranger, and love being passed around. Your big brother was the same way (and still is).
We love, love, love you from the top of your bow adorned head to the tips of your tiny toes.