Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Visits - Mimi

Last weekend we got a short but sweet visit with Mimi and Papa Tom. They stopped in on their return from Florida for 3 days of grandbaby fun. We actually fit in a lot of fun stuff in those 3 short days too!
 First things some trains!
 This girl still loves her after dinner outside time...especially with her Mimi!
 Eli helped whip up some strawberry shortcakes.

On Monday morning we got up and declared it a beach day! I had been feeling terrible about our lack of time spent at the beach this summer, so I took full advantage of the extra hands/helpers while I had them! Eli had an absolute blast. He totally surprised me with his love for being in the water! Last summer he was too busy playing to care much about the water, but not so this year! He was all about jumping right into the biggest waves, and had no fear at all.

This was Layla's first trip to the beach, and she gave it a big huge stamp of approval! We were there for about 2 1/2 hours and she was just as happy as a clam the entire time. She did some sand and salt water taste testing, and then entertained herself with a few beach toys for a solid hour. She was fast asleep in the stroller before we even made it back to the car. 

 Much too busy for a picture with his mama!

 Love that smile!
 I'm so glad that my mom was able to experience this first with Layla, as she's so far away for many of the others.

 As usual, she was tickled by everything Eli did!
 So sad that Dan missed this beach trip, but we're looking forward to going back soon!
 The bumbo was a lifesaver, and the perfect beach chair for our girl!
 Sandcastles and racetracks
 Her favorite beach toy! Who knew a shovel could provide such entertainment.

Seriously the best way to hose down sandy kids! Eli loved the new splash pad at Coligny, and we'll definitely be back!

 That same night we had our sitter come to stay with Layla so we could take Eli out on the town with us. We all went to dinner and then to Shelter Cove to see Shannon Tanner. It was FUN, and Eli kept us all in stitches with his crazy dance moves and stage presence!
 He now karate chops any and everyone. Lovely!
 Waiting for the show to start!
He was seriously in his own little dancing world! He didn't have a care in the world. Oh to be 3 again!

Summer Visits - Cousins

We've had some fun visits with family lately that I want to be sure and document. Aunt Katie, Uncle Charles and the boys came for a visit a few weeks ago. Eli was in cousin Heaven, and has asked about their return ever since they left! The boys swam their little hearts out, and Layla enjoyed the extra lap time that she got :).
 It was only a matter of seconds before Chase had his arms around Layla!
 These two are inseparable, and I love it!
 Goomba getting in a little baby time by the pool.

Layla had just started sitting up on her own, but cousin Chase wanted to be there for protection. So sweet!

One week from today we'll have a house FULL of cousins!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sweet Summertime

Get ready for picture overload! We're having a fun summer. Last week we did our first ever Vacation Bible School at our church. I worked with the K4 class, and Eli was able to attend too. He loved every second of it, and loved getting to see his favorite friends 5 days in a row! I was so encouraged by how much he learned and really absorbed from the week. He learned sign language to many of his favorite Bible songs, along with new songs, and new Bible stories. Layla was a trooper and did really well in the nursery all week. I wish I had pictures from the week, but it was a busy one, and the camera never made it anywhere. 
It's been a while, so here's what we've been up to...
We're loving the extra time spent with GG and Goomba!
Eli LOVES when they come over to play.
Bedtime stories with Goomba.
Layla had her first meal in her highchair.
Bedtime snuggles and Eli's new 'model' pose.
Eli's been spending a lot of time in the sprinklers. It's been almost impossible to stay cool around here lately.
A run through the sprinklers and popsicles have become part of our nightly routine in this heat!
Baby sister just sits back and takes it all in. She loves to be outside, and especially loves watching her brother run around crazy!
She is perfectly content just sitting back in the stroller and taking it all in.

 And for lack of being able to choose just one's an abundance of cuteness :)

Just when you think you couldn't possibly love her anymore...she gives you one of these!
I'm so thankful that her brother feels the same about her too :).
Her Pop Pop is quite smitten too, and always gets the biggest smiles!
Nana and Pop Pop came over for some play time one evening. Lots of baby snuggles and trying to keep up with Eli's many 'requests.' He loves to color with Nana, that's for sure!
 Happy kiddos!
 She is just SO tickled by everything her brother does!
 She loves to stand!
 Sunday morning's are extra special now that we get to share them with GG and Goomba too! Attending church together and then enjoying Sunday lunch at Nana's has become such a special tradition.

We spend most of our days at the pool, and most of our nights out with neighbor friends or riding bikes. It may be hot, but it definitely makes for tired kiddos come bedtime! Next on the agenda...a visit from Mimi and Papa Tom and then the long awaited reunion of all 10 cousins at Nana and Pop Pop's!!