Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Today was the kind of day, filled with the kind of fun, that just may require two baths! Not just for the kids though, for the mommy's too! We hit the park at Harbour Town, the petting farm, went home for naps(but not much sleep was had), and then re-grouped for dinner. We're really enjoying our visit with the Creeden's. We've missed them terribly since they moved in August, and were so excited when it worked out for them to spend Spring break here! Trevor is coaching baseball at his new school in PA, and the team is here this week practicing and playing some games against HHCA. I know its been fun for the guys to be on the field together again.

The weather has been PERFECT. We're seeing the mid 80's this week :) We're heading back to the beach tomorrow, and then will try to lay low the rest of the week. This beautiful weather sure does set me behind on my housework!

Eli LOVED the park at Harbour Town. This was the first time he'd been. He climbed all over the trees and went down every slide over and over.

Eli's new word of the day....ICE CREAM! He loves ice cream, but doesn't get it too often. Tonight we sent the kids outside, and let them all help themselves to their very own ice cream cones. They were in chocolate Heaven, and had the messy faces to prove it :)

I may have helped Eli finish his so he could get back to sliding :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Busy, Busy!

We have been on the go constantly. Life has been crazy busy the past few weeks. We've been blessed with work, work, work, and almost forgot what it was like for daddy to be gone all day/night. I've been working extra hours too, which has made for even crazier days.

Back-track a few weeks...
We had a quick visit with Aunt Liz and her friend Jocelyn. We really only had one full day with them, so of course we made a trip to the beach and the outlets! Dan very rarely gets to go to the beach with us...so Eli really enjoyed having daddy there.
I had to include this picture. We joke that it looks like a paparazzi photo taken of a celebrity trying to enjoy the beach with her kid ;)

Anytime we're anywhere near Sea Pines now, a visit to the stables is a must. Eli BEGS to go see the neigh-neigh's pretty much everytime we get in the car. We're hoping to make another visit this week.
Neely and I took the kids to the beach again this week. It wasn't as warm this time, so we didn't wear or bring swim suits. That however, didn't keep the boys from going for a swim.
Eli and Kres were absolutely mesmerized by the construction vehicles passing by on the beach. Such is the life of a boy!
The boys had the perfect little tidal pool to play in, and the water wasn't too cold.

We love getting surprise packages in the mail from Mimi. She always seems to find fun things for Eli everywhere she goes. This week she sent the most adorable monkey dish set. He will now only drink from this cup, and this cup only.
And a Lightning McQueen backpack!
Last weekend Eli and I were able to spend the weekend in Columbia at Aunt Katie's house. We rode with Nana and Pop-Pop, which Eli absolutely loved! Dan had a baseball tournament that weekend, so it was a great distraction for us. We were able to be there to celebrate cousin Jacob's 3rd birthday, and loved being there for his party. I love watching all of the boys together. The big boys are so sweet with Eli, and Eli just wants to do everything that they do.

I seem to get these same two pictures everytime we visit :)
Aunt Katie took some amazing pictures of Eli on Saturday. She's such a natural at photography, and got some really sweet shots of our boy.

I think that catches me up a little bit. We're hoping that this week will be a little less crazy!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Heavy Heart

Our hearts are heavy for the absolute devastation that is taking place in Japan. It totally puts things into perspective when you have family right in the middle of such turmoil. None of us will really be able to rest easy until all 5 of them are back in the States. We're asking for continued prayers, especially over the course of the weekend, as Sarah and the kids will make their way to the West coast. They will leave Japan, and most all of their belongings. There are so many unknowns, and the next few days, weeks and months will be full of huge adjustments for them. We've already seen the Lord's work in all of this, just in working out the little details. Praise the Lord that their dog Tory has been approved to come home with them! We've always said that the Lord knew what He was doing when he picked Sarah to be Matt's wife. She's SO very strong, and has always amazed us at what she can accomplish. She's an amazing wife and mother, no matter what life throws her way.

We'll be overjoyed to have them back in the States, we just never imagined this is how they would return. We're all so very appreciative for the prayers on their behalf. I know that's what's carrying them through right now.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Our Week

Happy March! We've had a good week. I've been going crazy trying to think of fun/different ideas to entertain a toddler inside the house. The week started out very sunny & warm, but it didn't last long. It's been chilly and windy, and Eli just doesn't understand why he can't spend all day everyday outside doing boy things.

On Wednesday we did get to visit with Nana and PopPop at lunchtime. Eli must have said their names 5,000 times on the drive to their house!

Now that Nana is working full-time we don't get to see her as often, so Eli got as many Nana loves as he could while we were there.

I think I forgot exactly how long our days are during baseball season. I try to keep Eli entertained with new things on the days that we don't leave the house due to weather, work, etc. He's big into coloring, stickers and playdough right now.

I love his 'concentration face'

And how he sings while he works :)

It's been really helpful to have this little table in the same room that I work from. He can do fun activities while I work; which usually results in me being covered from head to toe in stickers while I work :) I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to stay home and raise this precious boy. I simply couldn't imagine having to leave him every single day.

Eli must know that it's March Madness month. He's been SO into basketball recently. That's also one of his newest words, that we ask him to repeat often because it's just so cute! He's been watching a lot of basketball with daddy. He'll watch for a few minutes, and then hurry off to practice what he's observed the big guys do on the court. This has become a nightly routine.

At least we know he can multi-task ;)

Taking some mental notes

Last night he mastered his jump-shot!

He's always loved spending time up on our bed. He even sat still for me to take his picture yesterday!

Yes, he even surprised himself!

He showed me his teeth..

And tongue...

And hair...

And nose...

And for a quick big boy bed update...All is still going well. We've only had one mis-hap so far, and it's one for the baby book. After two weeks of sleeping well, and not getting out of bed, Eli went exploring in the dark at 3am on Wednesday night. I could hear him talking very quietly on the monitor. Thankfully it was enough to wake me up. I could tell that he was not in his bed. I went in to get him, and could not find him! The little stinker was stuck back in the corner behind his glider. He was pretty chatty, and very much wide awake and ready to play. It took us all over an hour to go back to sleep. Needless to say, we made some adjustments last night so that he couldn't get out. That is, until he realizes that he can jump/climb out ;)