Friday, July 30, 2010

15 months!

Here’s what Eli is especially good at these days :)
- Laundry un-folding
- Tooth brushing
- Book reading

- Baseball bat & golf club swinging
- Napping
- Breakfast eating
- MiMi missing :( - Cell phone talking
- Baby Einstein watching
- Dancing
- Food throwing
- Water loving - Hair brushing
- Dog loving
- Outside playing
- Ultimate drooling
- Racecar driving
- Sports watching - Stair climbing
And last but not least…
- Mommy loving
This month has brought a SERIOUS mommy attachment. Although I am absolutely loving the extra snuggle time, it has added a few extra tears to our day when my attention is briefly focused elsewhere. The 3 week long sinus infection + teething didn’t seem to help!

He’s weighing in at almost 22lbs. Just about as busy as ever. He loves all things boy. His word of the month is ‘car.’ Anything that has wheels and moves is a car. But pronounced with a serious Boston accent! He points to everything and says ‘dat’ for that. He’s really trying to talk more & more.
Each and every morning his daddy gets him out of bed. They snuggle on the couch and watch ESPN while I get breakfast ready & make Dan’s lunch. Makes my mommy heart so glad. I know that its the perfect start to Danny's day as well, everyday.
This morning I found Eli sitting in his timeout corner reading a book of mine. It just happened to be James Dobson's 'The Strong-Willed Child.' Oh boy...
It’s hard to believe that my ‘baby’ doesn’t have very much baby left.

We love you sweet boy!

On a completely unrelated note, we're asking for many prayers for my friend Brady. He's one of my best guy friends since middle school, and was wounded in Afghanistan this week. I just get absolutely sick thinking about it. He's doing well considering, but the 24yo husband and father that was in the vehicle with him is not. Covering Brady, his new wife Faith, and his entire family in prayer right now.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cousinly Love

We've been going non stop ever since we got back from the big wedding weekend. We were able to enjoy a full week & a half with Aunt Katie, Uncle Charles, Chase & Jacob. We did lots of swimming and playing outside, and of course lots of eating too. The boys were so cute together. Chase & Jacob were using Eli to practice their good big brother skills, as they get ready for baby Luke to arrive in less than 4 weeks.

Playing hard at the shelter cove mall!
There's nothing better than eating popsicles by the pool in the summer! Eli didn't want his own, but he sure did enjoy helping Jacob with his.
Eli loved his pool time with Aunt Katie!
Nana loves reading to all of the kids. Something they'll always remember!
I miss these two already!!

We finally drug ourselves to the pediatrician on Monday and got Eli on his first antibiotic. He just wasn't able to kick this sinus infection on his own. He seems to be on the mend. We're just still waiting patiently for the rest of his molars to come in now. We're in the process of transitioning from two naps to one. It hasn't been as hard as I thought. Instead of a morning nap, he's getting a much shorter 'quiet time' in his crib. He reads his books and plays quietly while I take that time to get ready for the day. The past few days he's taken really long afternoon naps which has helped tremendously with my work from home schedule. Other than that, we're just enjoying the rest of our summer days!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The BIG Wedding Weekend!

When I say BIG wedding, take that as no exaggeration! I was so honored to be a part of my best friend Danielle's magical wedding this past weekend. It was one of those weddings that you'll never forget. And most certainly one that would have knocked the socks off of the producers of the show Platinum Weddings. We were all scratching our heads trying to figure out why no one called in the television crews for this event! I'll just go ahead and get right to the pictures :)
Posing with the bride before the rehersal began.
This is where the ceremony took place. Breathtaking to say the least!
Eli covered every square inch of the entire building while we were rehersing. Poor Mimi could hardly keep up! He took a quick break to check out the beautiful sights.

The day of the wedding didn't get off to a great start. Danielle woke up with a migraine, and spent most of the morning in bed. One of our hairdressers was nothing short of horrible and sent everyone into panic mode. After 9 hours of primping and a lot of headaches, we were finally all ready! Did I forget to mention that Eli was sick, grumpy, and only wanted me all weekend? Needless to say, he did NOT make it down the aisle as 'planned.' But he did look extra cute in his tuxedo (even if it did have snot running down the front!).

We were able to watch the transformation of this place in a matter of was unreal!
His precious tuxedo and flower that was quickly destroyed.

The girls were SO cute with him! Pulling out all the electronics to keep him happy and quiet. He just wanted OUT of that room.
Evidentally he had a good time while we were taking pictures after the ceremony
My husband was in absolute super-daddy mode all weekend. He really had to step in and take over my mommy duties while I was busy with many wedding activities. Did I mention that Eli was sick?! We were glad to get some adult time at the reception.

Me and my bestest. I couldn't be happier for her and Brandon.
That is one proud daddy!

Congratulations Danielle and Brandon!!!! Now hurry up and give Eli a playmate :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th Fun!

We just finished celebrating the 4th of July for about 5 days in a row! You can never have too many cookouts, or spend too much time in the pool :) Although we were all afraid to get in the pool after our huge lunch yesterday...we were sure that someone would sink! Danny's grandparents are in town, and we were so glad to be able to spend some quality time with them before we head to VA this week. I feel like all we did was EAT! Luckily I have a little growing room in my bridesmaid dress :) Eli has been a little out of sorts the last few days, and I'm just praying that he gets back on track soon. It never fails, everytime we take a trip he starts cutting new teeth. He's been testing the waters a little more than usual, so I'm hoping a change of scenery and seeing his Mimi this week will break that cycle!

We went out to watch a few of Danny's baseball students play last week, and Eli loved every last second that we were there. He clapped everytime the fans did, and had the umpire laughing behind homeplate. The umpire even took the time to bring Eli a baseball to play with during the game. It was precious. After watching a little of the game, he was off to explore the entire park. He never stopped. He was covered in sweat, clay, and dirt, and couldn't have been happier about it.
Father & son at the baseball field :)

This weekend Eli took up golf. Nana pulled down some fun toys from her attic, one of which was a plastic golf set. He was perfectly content playing golf in the backyard, and of course got plenty of lessons from Pop-pop and his daddy. He always stopped & waited for a big applause everytime he hit the ball far.Perfecting the swing at a very young age!

We did a lot of swimming, swinging in the hammock, and spent most of our weekend outside at Nana & Pop-pop's house. Oh, and did I mention that we ate a lot? Eli had a huge belly after every meal.

The water was a little chilly, but he lasted much longer than usual.
His favorite spot ;)
Taking a little rest with Pop-pop and the golf club.

We made sure to end the weekend with a special picture. 4 generations of Morgans!!