Layla’s First Month:
*You love to eat. You’re a great nurser, and the scales are showing that! You eat about every 3 hours during the day, and tend to cluster feed in the evenings.
*You started out at 6lbs 1 oz, and are now about 7lbs 10oz!
*You have been on a pretty consistent schedule at night since your first night home from the hospital. We put you to bed around 10:30 each night, and you go about 3-4 hours in between feedings, sometimes a little longer. You typically go right back to sleep after you eat.
*You LOVE your swing. This makes life so much easier on your mommy!
*If you are a little fussy at night and I walk into a room with bright lights (like our kitchen or bathroom) you instantly stop and begin to gaze around the room.
*You started out wearing preemie diapers and clothes, but are now in all newborn. I’m sad at how fast you’re outgrowing things!
*Your little cheeks are starting to really fill out, and you’re getting rolls on your arms. I love each and every one of them!
*So far you seem to really love your car seat.
*Your only real fussy time of day is between 7:30-9:00. And in the last week or so, you’ve cut down on that!
*You are not interested in a pacifier at all, but we're trying to get you into it. We use it occasionally during your fussy time at night, but you don’t have to have it.
*You haven’t had your first bottle yet.
*You like to be inclined when you sleep, and being propped up on your boppy is your absolute favorite position.
*You’re still sleeping in your bassinet next to our bed. Sometime in the next few weeks we’ll be moving you upstairs to your crib!
*You had your first hospital stay MUCH sooner than we ever imagined. We’re thankful for how well your tiny body handled such a nasty virus.
*Your daddy has already given you several nicknames, but the one you get called the most is ‘Sweet Baby Ray.’ Your big brother has a very hard time pronouncing your name, so he calls you ‘yaya.’
*Your big brother absolutely adores you. He loves to tell us very proudly that you are his ‘new baby sister!’
*You spit up a lot just like your big brother did. It doesn't seem to bother you at all, so it looks like we've got ourselves another 'happy spitter.'
*You lift and hold your head up really well for such a tiny girl.
*You FINALLY had your first real bath just 2 days ago, and LOVED it! Your umbilical cord stump hung on for almost 4 weeks...yuck!
Layla Grace – You are such a precious gift, and such a tremendous blessing to our family. We have loved watching you grow, and learning all about you during your first month of life. You are just as perfect as I always dreamed you'd be.