We've got some big news that is just too exciting not to share, and much too obvious to hide! We are expecting baby #2!! We couldn't possibly be any more thrilled, and can hardly wait to meet our new & tiny blessing in January. Eli acts very excited about becoming a big brother, and at least pretends to really understand what we're talking about. He talks about the baby in mommy's belly ALL the time, and loves to look at the ultrasound pictures. I pray that he's still just as excited when it comes time to welcome his baby brother/sister! And yes...we can't wait to find out what we're having. I'm already itching to start decorating!
And the ultimate question that I'm asked daily...How are you feeling?! Well...pregnant! And for me, that means sick sick sick. The first trimester is always rough for me. I've got 3 weeks of 24/7 sickness behind me, and I'm just praying that the second trimester will bring some welcome relief. It's been a daily struggle to continue being all that Eli needs and deserves, while feeling aboslutely miserable. We've got some really fun weeks ahead, so I'm praying that I'll be feeling much better by then. As bad as I've felt the past month, I feel SO blessed to be carrying this baby and even appreciate the pregnancy symptoms that come with it. After suffering a devastating loss back in February, we are holding tight and trusting fully in God's plan for our family. We know that the Lord never gives us more than we can handle, and that always brings much needed comfort. We are so very ready to become a family of four!
Amazon Pillows for a Cottagecore Aesthetic
1 week ago
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