It's taken me over a week to write its been a busy on! We've been blessed to have company two weekends in a row, so there's a lot to catch up on. Last weekend we had a fun visit with Auntie Liz and her friend Julie. Eli completely ate up all of the attention...check out the video below! We spent some much needed time lounging by the pool, and the girl's got in some good shopping at the outlets. It will probably be Christmas before we see Liz again, so we were pretty bummed to see her leave. It's crazy to think about how much Eli will change between now and then.
He's such a talker these days!

Update on Eli - Most of you know that Eli didn't gain any weight in the last month. We worked really hard last past week, and he gained a pound in 5 days! With his intollerance to dairy, and my diet being very restricted, he just wasn't getting enough calories from my milk. After supplementing with soy formula, and waking him up once at night to eat, that seemed to do the trick! We took him back to the Dr on Thursday, and she was thrilled with his weight gain. But she wants to see him continue to gain at this rate for a while. After much discussion and a ton of heartache for me, we've decided to put him on strictly soy formula. My milk just wasn't keeping him satisfied for long enough. After the first few days of being on all bottles, he seems to be doing great! And definitely packing on the pounds! We just want our little guy to be happy and healhy.

I seem to be taking this much harder than Eli, but am glad that I could nurse him for the almost 4 months that I did. Physically it has been even harder for me, and seriously painful! Yesterday was terrible, and the day that I feared would come. I came down with an infection, but luckily I have an AMAZING Dr. that helped me through it while he was out of town. After a day of antibiotics, I'm already feeling much better.
Unfortunately, all of this was going on while we had company. My mom, Tom, and Cindy came in town for a short visit this weekend. The plan was to have Eli baptized on Sunday, but the scheduling didn't work out. I guess its a good thing we didn't have something so special going on while I felt so miserable. I was forced to stay home yesterday, while my mom took tom and cindy sight seeing on the island. Poor Dan...he stayed home and took care of me and Eli yesterday. Not an easy job! Eli loved having company again, he absolutely loves having new faces to entertain him. When he wasn't sleeping, he was busy 'talking' and playing with his mimi!

I'm hoping for nice weather this week...I'd love to catch some rays over at nana & pop pops! There's just nothing better :)